Information for Choir Members

These pages contain important information including rehearsal dates, details of our concert dress code and practice resources to download or watch.

There will be news for choir members plus a list of key dates.

There is a list of the current members of the committee.

We sometimes send out emails to all members whose addresses we have in our email list. You will be told at a rehearsal when this is done, so if you don’t receive an email, please advise us so that we can update our records.

Click here for our Data Privacy Statement.

(Page last updated 10th September 2024)
In rehearsal
Rehearsals are held at Christ Church United Reform Church, Tudor Way, Petts Wood, BR5 1LH -  Click for a Map.
Rehearsals start at 7:45pm but finish in time to leave the Church promptly by 9:45pm.

Autumn Concert (Concert Date Sunday 17th November 2024 at 7:00pm)
Venue: Emmanuel United Reform Church, The Grove, West Wickham, BR4 9JS -  Click for a Map

Dress Code for the Autumn Concert
Our usual Concert attire. Click here for more information

  13th - Music rehearsed - Learnt "Te Deum" by Gustav Holst (p3-10)
          (GH-TD) & "Songs of the Fleet" [Booklet of 5 Songs] by Charles
          Stanford (S-SOTF), No. 1 "Sailing at Dawn" (S-SOTF1) (p3-8)
20th - Music rehearsed - Learnt S-SOTF No. 2 "The Song of the Sou'
          Wester" (S-SOTF2) (p9-14), revised S-SOTF1 & learnt "Beati
          Quorum Via" from "Three Motets" by Charles Stanford (S-BQV)
27th - Music rehearsed - Learnt S-SOTF No. 3 "The Middle Watch"
          (S-SOTF3) (p15-21), revised S-SOTF2, learnt "The Blue Bird" by
          Charles Stanford (S-TBB) & revised GH-TD p3-10
  4th   - Music rehearsed - Learnt GH-TD p10-16, revised S-BQV &
          revised S-SOTF3 p15-21
11th - No rehearsal - Choir Meal
  5th   - Music rehearsed - Learnt "Autumn" from "The Seasons" by
          Joseph Haydn (p174-194, all) (JH-A)
12th - Plan - To be advised
19th - Plan - AGM (Note: Starting at 7:30pm) followed by rehearsal,
          details to be advised
26th - Plan - To be advised
  3rd   - Plan - To be advised
10th - Plan - To be advised
17th - Plan - To be advised
24th - Plan - To be advised
31st - Plan - To be advised
  7th   - Plan - To be advised
14th - Plan - To be advised
15th - No Rehearsal
17th - Concert Day - Church set up - helpers please, Details to be

          Rehearsal to start at Time to be advised
          Concert at 7:00pm - Please arrive in good time to take your
          place. After the concert, helpers are needed to tidy up and
          restore original seating plan